River Wye

A posting on the OCR 'B' GCSE Geography group on Facebook asked about river case studies, and the River Wye in particular.
I used the River Wye when I was writing the textbook chapter on distinctive landscapes, and the expanded section on river processes, landforms and management.
When we started writing the textbook there was less of the 'old fashioned' elements of meanders, ox-bow lakes, meanders etc. but these were then put back in as a result of consultation between OCR and OFQUAL.
The River Wye starts on the slopes of Plynlimon in Wales, as does the River Severn.
A few resources that I referred to when writing the chapter, which may help you with the case study include:
GaugeMap - to see the gauges along the Wye and explore differences in discharge

I referred to my use of the Google Earth Pro website to produce some cross-profiles of the valley at various stages too, and also to show images from a Geograph search.

I will share more on this when I get to the teaching of this topic, just after Easter...
