Leeds is one of the cities which has had a special map made using Ordnance Survey data and esri mapping.
It's the AC city case study in the first (and second) editions of the book.
The maps show pavement widths to make a point that in many UK cities, the pavements aren't wide enough to adequately social distance at the moment - some city centres are coning off sections of the road and streets and introducing some new one way systems.
There are other cities mapped in the article:
Esri UK has created a map of all pavement widths, discovering that only 30% of Great Britain’s pavements are at least 3 metres wide, 36% are between 2 and 3 metres and 34% are less than 2 metres wide
It's the AC city case study in the first (and second) editions of the book.
The maps show pavement widths to make a point that in many UK cities, the pavements aren't wide enough to adequately social distance at the moment - some city centres are coning off sections of the road and streets and introducing some new one way systems.
There are other cities mapped in the article:
Esri UK has created a map of all pavement widths, discovering that only 30% of Great Britain’s pavements are at least 3 metres wide, 36% are between 2 and 3 metres and 34% are less than 2 metres wide
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